Summer Camp 1, 2, 3…

In most parts of the Northern Hemisphere, summer is swiftly approaching. In South Texas, it’s already here (hello 90°F weather… I feel your presence ☹ ). For me, summer can only mean one thing – Summer Camp! I haven’t written too extensively on the topic, but I think most people know by now that I... Continue Reading →

An Ocean of Online Opportunities

In continuation of my two earlier posts about getting involved in inspiring the next generation, without further ado, I give you Mentoring: Easy Mode! Go Online Use your social media for good - show the daily life of or behind the scenes of your STEM career. Show off your lab or field research. Guest star... Continue Reading →

Getting Involved

In continuation of yesterday's post about getting involved in inspiring the next generation, without further ado, I give you Mentoring: Intermediate Mode! Get Involved in Outreach Ok, so as much as you would really love to, you just don't have the time to be mentor. I get it - it is a huge commitment! That... Continue Reading →

Life is Riotous

Life is riotous. It is a perpetual symphony, At times is a cacophony, At others, a harmony. Yet, like a butterfly who dances in the sunlight, dazzling and full of vitality, it is also fleeting. Blink and you may miss a lifetime. ~ Katie Dion Today is National Wildlife Day here in the U.S. It... Continue Reading →

The Boiling Hot Deep

Yes, I just used the term ‘boiling hot’ to describe the deep ocean. And no, it is not a typo. While the vast majority of the deep ocean is indeed very cold, that is not true for its entirety. Along major ocean basins lie long series of underwater mountains, or ridges. Along these ridges scientists... Continue Reading →

Twilight Strolls

Hazy twilight strolls, When day and night gently caress each other, In perfect harmony, Like lovers grown old together.   ~ Katie Dion

Bait and Switch

A few Saturdays ago, I spent the day out at a big community event all about environmental health. There were tons of vendors from every organization imaginable there all promoting simple changes that we can do to help keep our local habitats clean. At our booth, we were all about making sure plastic doesn’t get... Continue Reading →

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